This is a set of actions that we offer to all that care for the development of a comprehensive strategy for the introduction of the brand on the market. This is a comprehensive process "from the idea to the sell". At every stage of the creation of the product/service, we go out to meet the target client’s demands, to make the design fulfill the aspects of both the value and quality of the offer. The cycle begins with the verification of the idea and the deep analysis of the market and competition in your area, by means of promoting, marketing and implementation of the offer. The next step is the introduction of a product/service to the market and support for multiple distribution channels, the last step is traffic analysis, sales analysis, return on investment analysis and report with the respect to the proposed changes and their modification. Our offer is addressed to companies that want to introduce a product/service for sale in e-commerce, both through online stores, auction sites, price comparison services and other tools for sale on the Internet.